E5: Provide interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education on health to future and current professionals in the area of developmental disabilities to provide the skills and knowledge to enhance the health of people with developmental disabilities across the life span
E5a: Provide continuing education to providers to improve women’s health.
- Year 1:Identify and collaborate with key stakeholders/OB-GYN providers providing care to women with IDD; conduct provider needs assessment for women with IDD utilizing OB-GYN services; develop curriculum
- Year 2: Pilot curriculum with 5 OB-GYN providers
- Years 3-5: Train 5 – 10 additional OB- GYN providers throughout region
*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families
E5b: Provide continuing education to Behavioral/Mental Health service providers for people with IDD via an ECHO model.
- Year 1: Identify & collaborate with mental health providers concerned with behavioral management of individuals with IDD; conduct and analyze needs assessment; develop curriculum
- Year 2: Train 10 mental health providers
- Years 3-5: Train 10 – 15 additional mental health providers
*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families
E5c: Provide preservice training to at least 15 LEND fellows chosen from among 13 disciplines and 4-6 Institute for IDD trainees each year on provision and coordination of health services for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
E5d: Provide specific preservice training in diagnosis and health treatments for ASDs to at least 15 long-term trainees chosen from among 13 disciplines each year.
E5e: Provide training to at least 3 advanced post-residency fellows in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics over course of grant period.
E5f: Provide clinical training to 40 interdisciplinary intermediate-term trainees, including Institute for IDD trainees, each year in health and mental health care, and functional skill maintenance of individuals with IDD across the lifespan.
E5g: Provide at least 1 continuing education activity per year to community health care providers to enhance health care transitions, maintain health and function, and increase the quality of health care provided to individuals with IDD across the lifespan.
*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families
E5h: Provide lectures or short-term training to at least 30 medical students per year to increase basic skills of providers without IDD specialization in screening for developmental disabilities and in ongoing health care of individuals with IDD across the lifespan.
E6: Improve services for people with IDD to reduce health disparities
E6a: Provide continuing education to Spanish Language Medical Interpreters to increase awareness of and address common problems such as communication and language differences that often exist in relationships between providers and Latinx individuals with IDD and their families.
- Year 1: Train 10 interpreters
- Years 2-5: Train 5-19 interpreters per year
*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families