D3: Provide information dissemination and advocacy to support increased employment outcomes for people with IDD in New York State
D3a: Be actively involved in efforts to develop an Employment First policy and legislation for New York State, and implement the Governor’s E1 report and recommendations.
D3b: Provide statewide education, information and referral services to help individuals, families, and other stakeholders understand changes in state systems that impact employment.
- Years 1-5: Conduct a minimum of 5 presentations per year
*Based on needs identified through focus groups and surveys
D3c: Advocate for high expectations related to employment potential of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across stakeholder groups (state officials, businesses, families, schools, provider agencies).
D3d: Advocate at the state and federal level to design creative and culturally responsive employment services for people with IDD. This will include continued advocacy as the state DD agency transforms their employment services and supports.