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Information Dissemination

GOAL: Disseminate culturally competent information, provide advocacy, and promote policies in the service of community inclusion in all of its facets, self-direction, and healthy lives to people with disabilities, their families and communities, agencies, legislators, and others affecting the lives of people with disabilities.

D1: Engage parents in the process of high expectations and future dreams for their children


D1a: Develop and disseminate information to parents/families on having high and realistic expectations of their children with IDD.

  • Year 1: Develop 1 webinar series and printed materials for parents/families helping them to set realistic expectations for their children, which would include inclusion in their schools, communities, and the work force
  • Years 2-5: Continue developing materials based on family needs

D1b: Develop and implement materials for parents to help them engage their children in the IEP process.

  • Year 1: Develop a local student-led IEP process utilizing the approach developed by our sister UCEDD at WIHD and implement in two different school districts
  • Year 2: Provide materials for parents to help support them through the student-led IEP process
  • Years 3-5: Support 2 new districts with appropriate materials a year to more effectively use student led IEP/CSE meetings

D1c: For each research project, a layperson’s research brief will be created, based upon study findings, and then disseminated throughout our regional communities. This will be accomplished through products such as infographics, brief visual summaries, and webinars.

  • Year 1: Develop and disseminate two community research briefs and host two webinars
  • Year 2: Develop and disseminate 1-2 annual briefs and 1-2 annual webinars, based upon the number of completed studies

D2: Equitably disseminate evidence-based information, services, and supports for people with IDD to communities


D2a: Through ongoing relationships with community organizations and schools, (including disability and non-disability service agencies) results of SCDD-conducted research and research conducted across the broader network will be shared with community stakeholders during meetings, workgroups, and other table discussions. Links, briefs, and other products will be shared electronically and via social media, when appropriate.

  • Years 1-5: Conduct a minimum of 5 sharing opportunities per year

D3: Provide information dissemination and advocacy to support increased employment outcomes for people with IDD in New York State

D3a: Be actively involved in efforts to develop an Employment First policy and legislation for New York State, and implement the Governor’s E1 report and recommendations.

D3b: Provide statewide education, information and referral services to help individuals, families, and other stakeholders understand changes in state systems that impact employment.

  • Years 1-5: Conduct a minimum of 5 presentations per year

*Based on needs identified through focus groups and surveys

D3c: Advocate for high expectations related to employment potential of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across stakeholder groups (state officials, businesses, families, schools, provider agencies).

D3d: Advocate at the state and federal level to design creative and culturally responsive employment services for people with IDD. This will include continued advocacy as the state DD agency transforms their employment services and supports.

D4: Serve as a clearinghouse and resource for current research and evidence-based practices to NYSDOH and families on emerging evidence and research on family engagement in early intervention

D4a: Disseminate updated resource guide of evidence-based practices to increase family outcomes based on new research and feedback from State Systemic Improvement Plan learning collaboratives.

  • Year 1: Disseminate resource guide.
  • Years 2-5: Update and disseminate resource guide.

D4b: Disseminate information on Medically Underserved Population designation of people with IDD to policy makers, and a legislative toolkit to advocates to aid in discussions with policy makers

  • Years 1-5: Disseminate and periodically update with fresh state and national data

D4c: Develop and disseminate manualized curriculum for Spanish language interpreters to aid in work with individuals with IDD and their families.

  • Year 1: Develop curriculum
  • Year 2: Disseminate curriculum

D4d: Develop and disseminate materials related to women’s health to individuals with IDD and to women’s health care providers.

  • Year 1: Conduct regional needs assessments of individuals, families, and providers
  • Year 2: Develop and field test materials
  • Years 3-5: Disseminate materials in conjunction with preservice, continuing, and community education and technical assistance activities

D5: Provide information dissemination and advocacy to support increased inclusive recreation and leisure opportunities for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

D5a: Disseminate the Inclusive Recreation Video Campaign that was developed in 2018. Continued outreach will include ongoing shares on social media and through listservs, as well as displaying the videos during recreation presentations at conferences and community events at least 5 times per year.

D5b: Develop a collaborative network of interfaith leaders and community members to brainstorm how to better serve individuals with IDD in regards to their faith and spiritual lives. The Greater Rochester Faith Inclusion Network (GRO-FIN) will focus on inclusion advocacy and will bring together diverse community leaders and members to better understand the state of the region and how we can address barriers to community inclusion in this area.

  • Year 1: Develop collaborative
  • Years 2-5: Sustain collaborative goals via 5 meetings per year

D5c: Disseminate one informational sheet per year on the importance of recreation and leisure opportunities for all individuals. It will explore the physical, mental, and social benefits of engaging in recreation, and will also cover resources available in the community.