Submit a QI Poster
In 2022, the ABMS Portfolio Program developed an additional pathway to earn MOC Part IV credits. Physicians and PAs who have engaged in a QI Effort and have developed a poster (either for a local or national conference or symposium) that illustrates the work done can participate . Posters must include the following:
- an adequate and appropriate Aim Statement/SMART Goal,
- adequate and appropriate measures that are aligned to determine if change occurs and relate directly to the Aim Statement/SMART Goal, and,
- adequate and appropriate interventions that have been aligned to impact the measures and were implemented into practice.
- The physician or PA seeking credit must be affiliated with UR Medicine.
- The Poster must reflect clinical quality improvement work and not research.
- The physician or PA seeking credit with a Poster must be listed as an “author” on the poster.
- At least some of the work shared on the poster must have been done within the previous 12 months.
- The poster cannot reflect work that was already submitted for MOC Part IV credit.
Submit the QI Poster Attestation form and the Poster by November 15. The attestation form must include the signature of the person seeking credit as well as someone in an oversight position.
(Please note that due dates reflect when forms must be received to obtain credit in the same calendar year. If deadlines are missed, we can consider what needs to be done to obtain the credit in following year.)