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Loiselle Lab’s Tendon-Healing Breakthrough Publishes in Science Advances

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Alayna Loiselle Lab in the Center for Musculoskeletal Research led a study that used nanoparticles to target drug delivery to surgically repaired tendons, with dramatic results. In just one treatment, the pinpoint drug delivery method improved healing and reduced scar tissue formation compared to standard treatments.  Researchers’ success in designing drug delivery inside the body, at the cellular level, proved to be a highly efficient approach that could be used to treat other injuries.

Click here to read more about the Loiselle Lab's excitring research.

Click here to read the Science Advances article.

Roman Eliseev Lab Receives Five-Year NIH Grant to Study Bioenergetics of Osteoblasts and How It Changes in Aging

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Roman Eliseev, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedics at URMC, has been awarded a five-year, $2 million NIH grant to study the crosstalk of Pentose Phosphate Pathway and mitochondrial metabolism in osteoblasts as well as its age-related changes. Eliseev Lab has been among the first groups to focus on the role of bioenergetics in bone cells and mesenchymal stem/stromal cells. While their previous studies were mostly focused on the mitochondrial compartment, this new project is poised to unveil whole cell metabolic wirings and complex metabolic connections.

Katherine Escalera-Rivera Selected for ICPD Scientist Mentoring and Diversity Program and Awarded SACNAS Travel Scholarship

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Katherine Escalera-Rivera, a senior graduate student working in the Anolik and Jonason Labs, has recently been selected to participate in the International Center for Profressional Development (ICPD) Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program (SMDP), a one year career mentoring program that pairs ethnically diverse students (Undergraduate Juniors & Seniors, Baccalaureate, Master or Ph.D. & Post-doc) and early career researchers with industry mentors who work at companies in the medical technology, biotechnology and consumer healthcare industries.  With their mentors, scholars attend a five-day training session to learn about career opportunities in industry and receive career development coaching. They also attend a major industry conference. 

Additionally, Escalera-Rivera has been awarded a travel scholarship from the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispianics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careeers, and positions of leadership in STEM.  Escalera-Rivera's SACNAS scholarship includes travel, shared lodging, and registration for the in-person conference happening October 31 - November 2, in Phoenix, Arizona.

Congratulations, Katherine!  Click here to read Escalera-Rivera's biography.

ORS Recognizes Loiselle, Young Investigators for Research Excellence

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The February Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting was an eventful one for CMSR: Alayna Loiselle, PhD, received the Adele L. Boskey PhD Award, given to mid-career researchers who have made significant contributions in mentoring young researchers in orthopaedics, musculoskeletal science, and engineering; and three early-career investigators earned recognition for their presentations.

Out of 41 finalists, Rahul Alenchery, PhD, and Himanshu Meghwani, PhD, were two of the ten who received New Investigator Recognition Awards (NIRA), and Emmanuela Adjei-Sowah received a Podium Award. They shared their work with fellow researchers, post-doctoral students, and physician-researchers at the meeting in Long Beach, California. 

Read more about the exciting work shared by the award winners at the 2024 ORS Annual Meeting.

New NIH-funded center could soon reduce the need for pharmaceutical trials on animals

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Through funding from a National Institutes of Health grant, Rochester—in partnership with Duke University—will house the Translational Center for Barrier Microphysiological Systems, a new national center focused on using tissue-on-chip technology to develop drugs more rapidly and reduce the need for animal trials. The center aims to develop five Food and Drug Administration–qualified drug development tools related to studying barrier functions in disease—interfaces in tissue that are critical for the progression of infection, cancer, and many autoimmune disorders.  Learn more about the center.

Dr. Alayna Loiselle Awarded Adele L. Boskey, PhD Award

Friday, January 5, 2024

Alayna Loiselle, PhD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Co-Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Research's HBMI Core, has been awarded the ORS-sponsored 2024 Adele L. Boskey, PhD Award.  Dr. Loiselle will receive her award at this year's ORS 2024 Annual Meeting, and her achievements will be celebrated at the event on February 4 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Grand Ballroom.  Congratulations, Alayna!

Learn more about the Adele L. Boskey, PhD Award.

Adele L. Boskey, PhD Award - Alayna Loiselle PhD
ORS' 2024 Adele L. Boskey, PhD Award Recipient - Dr. Alayna Loiselle