Welcome to the Rochester Environmental Health Sciences Center!

EHSC logoSupporting basic and clinical research on the modulation of disease processes by environmental and occupational agents

Established in 1975, the Rochester EHSC is a “Core Center” supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). Our central mission is focusing on improving public health by uncovering how environmental exposures impact health and disease across the lifespan and translating said findings into strategies to better human health.

Center research and other activities are guided by the following interrelated concepts:

  • Many diseases stem from more than genetics alone; environmental factors contribute to their development and understanding them is crucial for bettering treatment.  
  • Environmental exposures such as chemicals, microorganisms, dietary factors, and physiological and psychological stressors often interact with demographics and health conditions.
  • Environmental exposures vary by location, lifestyle, and occupation. These factors can amplify or mitigate the effects of environmental exposures, a critical aspect for improving health.
  • Environmental exposures often occur in combinations of risk and protective factors, influencing health and disease differently. Understanding these relationships demands the development of novel strategies while also having consideration for vulnerable groups.
  • Success hinges on collaborative efforts across scientific disciplines, integrating experimental models and studies within human populations for effective interventions.

The EHSC provides the framework to generate new information, resources and tools for scientists, health officials and the community to help prevent disease and improve public health. Our scientifically diverse team is active in finding effective, innovative, and integrated strategies to address environmental health issues. By visiting our website you will learn more about center research, community engagement, cores and facilities, and our collaborative members.

Best regards,

Paige Lawrence

B. Paige Lawrence, PhD
Center Director
Wright Family Research Professor
Chair, Department of Environmental Medicine