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Laser Results

Successful outcomes in laser vision correction depend on an experienced surgeon using the best technology available. Dr. Scott MacRae has experience with virtually every excimer laser available. At Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center, our primary laser is the Bausch and Lomb Zyoptix 217z100 Laser.

The Bausch and Lomb Zyoptix 217z100 Laser is an outstanding laser for accuracy and safety. You can review the FDA clinical trial data below and see how the 217z compares to other lasers. In all myopic patients, the 217z excimer laser is nearly 20% more accurate than any other excimer laser on the market.

Dr. MacRae's Outcomes

It is important to realize that success in refractive surgery depends not only on the type of laser used, but very heavily on the surgeon using the laser. Dr. Scott MacRae is highly experienced, having performed more than 20,000 laser vision correction procedures. Using the Technolas laser in several clinical trials at Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center, over 95% of eyes that Dr. MacRae has treated saw 20/20 or better after surgery.

The Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center team, under Dr. MacRae's leadership, was one of three clinical trial centers in the United States that performed the 340 eye FDA study on the Bausch and Lomb Zyoptix. Not only did he perform the clinical trials, he was involved in the development of the technology and continues to assist Bausch & Lomb in the development of new technologies. With the assistance of our Data Analysis Team, Dr. MacRae is constantly refining the precision of our laser vision correction treatments. Currently, 95% of all eyes we treat using Zyoptix customized ablation see 20/20 or better without glasses after their primary surgery. Nearly 99% of eyes treated are capable of seeing 20/20 or better with a corrective lens after surgery. Patients who do not achieve optimal vision initially may be candidates for enhancement during which additional treatment is applied to the eye to fine tune their vision.

Dr. MacRae understands how to maximize the effect of treatment technology available and is highly skilled at avoiding complications. He is often called upon by other refractive surgeons around the country to consult on their complicated cases.

Dr. MacRae's personal complication rates

Flap complications—less than 1%: Flap complications can be from debris under the flap, improper flap alignment after treatment, irregularities in the flap or from a malfunction of the microkeratome. Dr. MacRae has never had a serious vision threatening problem related to the microkeratome creating the corneal flap. Most flap complications are minor and can be managed by Dr. MacRae and the Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center team.

Severe Inflammations—1 in 500: Mild inflammation in the eye is normal after refractive surgery. With the use of the proper anti-inflammatory eye drops, it typically clears within 24 hours. Patients who are otherwise healthy are at very low risk for the inflammation persisting. Patients who have general health conditions such as severe asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or skin problems are at slightly greater risk for inflammation. On average, 1 in 500 patients will need have their corneal flap re-lifted in the first week after treatment to break the cycle of inflammation.

Loss of Vision—less than 1 in 1000: Loss of vision can be defined as being unable to see as well after surgery, whether with glasses, contact lenses or more laser treatment, as you could with glasses before treatment. It is the most serious complication that could occur with refractive surgery. The FDA uses a loss of two lines of vision (20/20 to 20/40) as a benchmark for safety. Dr. MacRae's overall complication rate where there was any risk of a patient losing vision is fewer than 1 in 1000 eyes treated and he has never had a patient lose more than two lines of vision after surgery. This excellent record is due both to his outstanding surgical skills, but also to his care and the care of the entire Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center team in selecting patients for treatment. If there is any significant risk that you might lose vision, you'll be advised not to have surgery. In fact, nearly 20% of all patients who come to Dr. MacRae and the Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center team interested in laser vision correction are advised not to have surgery. Your visual welfare is our first concern.

Retreatment—approximately 6%: No matter how accurate the laser or how skilled the surgeon, a certain percentage of patients will not obtain an optimal correction with one treatment. The stronger and more complex your prescription is before treatment, the greater the chance that you'll need an enhancement to achieve best possible vision. This occurs because of the normal variability in the response of human tissue to treatment and healing.

Enhancement procedures involve lifting the original flap and applying the necessary amount of treatment to fine tune your vision. Typically, enhancements are done 3 to 6 months after the initial procedure.

In the rare circumstance that you experience any complication during your treatment, no matter how minor it may be, Dr. MacRae and the Flaum Eye Institute Refractive Surgery Center team will be there for you. We are completely dedicated to the visual welfare and happiness of our patients.