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Nikon A1R HD with TIRF


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  • Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (Standard and Resonant scanners available)
  • Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRF)
  • Epi-fluorescent Microscopy
  • Single Molecule Imaging
  • Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)

Summary of Instrument Features:

Microscope: Inverted Nikon Ti2-E
Software: NIS-Elements C with JOBS Acquisition Module
  • Standard:
    60x/1.49 - Oil - Apochromat TIRF
    40x/1.15 - Water – Apochromat Lambda LWD
    20x/0.75 - Air – Plan Apochromat VC
    10x/0.40 - Air – Plan Apochromat Lambda
    4x/0.2 - Air – Plan Apochromat Lambda
Laser lines:
  • Excitation:
    405nm diode
    445nm diode
    488nm diode
    515nm diode
    561nm diode
    640nm diode

Detectors: 2 GaAsP + 2 High-sensitivity PMT

Stage:  Motorized stage

  • 200um Piezo Z stage
  • Perfect Focus z-stabilization
  • Multi and Plate holders available

Environmental Chamber: OKO Labs

  • Heating control
  • 5% CO2
  • Humidity Control