Raissa Villanueva, MD, MPH
Program Director
The URMC Headache Medicine Fellowship will provide one year of clinical training in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of headache disorders and facial pain. Training will include supervised clinical work with progressive responsibility in patient management. Clinical skills, such as obtaining a comprehensive headache history, performing a neurologic/physical exam, deciding on appropriate testing and evaluation of both acute and chronic management of patients, will be emphasized. The training program will emphasize knowledge in the epidemiology, anatomy and physiology, headache classification, diagnosis and management of primary and secondary headache disorders. The fellow will be responsible for caring for at least 500 patients between new patient visits and established patient visits, perform lectures for the Headache Center, neurology residents, other fellows, internal medicine residents, and medical students, lead journal clubs, participate in case presentations, and complete one research project during the fellowship. Rotations will include training in pain management, neuro‐ophthalmology, pediatric headache disorders and orofacial pain. Strengths of the program include having three faculty trained in headache medicine as teaching faculty‐ Dr. Douenias, Dr. Figueiredo and Dr. Villanueva. All have extensive experience in caring for complex headache patients over a number of years. There is an infrastructure of support in the URMC Headache center with medical technicians, nurses and nurse practitioners also experienced in caring for this subspecialty population.
The University of Rochester offers a UCNS Accredited one-year Fellowship in Headache Medicine. Our fellowship program accepts one fellow per year.
UCNS Accredited program through 2025.
Learn more about the program