Take the Teen Vaccine Quiz
Thanks to vaccines, most U.S. children are protected against serious diseases such
as measles, mumps, diphtheria, polio, and chickenpox. But what happens to that protection
when a child becomes a teen? A teen who missed a vaccine or booster as a child may
need to be immunized. Learn more about which vaccines teens need by taking this quiz.
3. The childhood Hib meningitis vaccine protects against all types of meningitis.
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The Hib vaccine routinely given to prevent serious illness in children provides protection
against only 1 type of meningitis. This meningitis is caused by Haemophilus influenzae
type B (Hib). The vaccine does not protect against any other type of meningitis. This
includes meningococcal or pneumococcal meningitis or viral meningitis.
8. Because teens are young and healthy, they don't need a yearly flu shot.
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Teens are just as likely to get the flu as children or adults. Teens are less at risk
for complications of the flu because they are generally healthy with a strong immune
system. People at highest risk for complications are very young children, elderly
adults, and anyone with a chronic health problem such as diabetes, asthma, or heart
disease. But even healthy people can have severe complications from the flu. The CDC
strongly recommends a yearly flu shot for everyone older than 6 months through adulthood.
11. Boys and girls must have the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine before age 12.
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The HPV vaccine is strongly advised for both boys and girls, usually between ages
11 and 12, but as young as 9. But it is not required. The CDC also recommends the
vaccine for teens and young adults up to age 26 who were not vaccinated at a younger
age. The vaccine protects against genital warts and several types of cancer. People
between ages 27 and 45 who are at risk may also get the vaccine after talking with
their healthcare provider.
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