Quiz: Choosing and Using Dietary Supplements
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Dietary
supplements can help with good nutrition. But many people take them without knowing
enough to make sure they get the best results. Find out how much you know about dietary
supplements by taking this quiz.
1. Eating a variety of foods each day can give you many of the vitamins and minerals
you need for good health.
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A balanced diet includes 2 cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables each day. Food
is the best source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other nutrients.
2. A supplement can better protect you against cancer than eating foods with the same
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Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and other fresh foods
can protect against long-term disease. This includes cancer. Food has hundreds of
nutrients that supplements do not.
3. You should always buy a name-brand supplement.
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Generic brands are most often cheaper and work just as well. Also, supplements are
not regulated by the FDA, so you have no guarantee that one brand is better than another.
4. Natural supplements are better than manmade supplements.
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Manmade and natural supplements are basically the same, except for price. "Natural"
supplements generally cost more.
5. Check the expiration date before buying a supplement.
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Look for supplements with an expiration date that's at least 1 year away.
6. Choose a supplement with the USP or NSF symbol on the label. Or choose products
that have passed ConsumerLab testing.
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The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), NSF International, and ConsumerLab test and
approve supplements that have passed tests. These tests are for:
- Purity. This means it does not have any contaminants;.
- Potency. This means it meets the label claim for the strength of the product.
- Availability. This means it will dissolve properly in your body.
7. Choose a vitamin-mineral product with no more than 100% of the Daily Value of each
nutrient. Take no more than the recommended dose.
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Taking higher doses of certain vitamins and minerals make it more likely that you
will have side effects. The higher doses may also interact with other medicines you
might be taking.
8. Vegetarians who eat no animal products may need additional vitamin B-12 and other
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Fortified cereals are also a good source of vitamin B-12 for vegetarians who eat no
meat, eggs, or dairy products.
9. It's safe to take a dietary supplement without your healthcare provider's approval.
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Vitamins and especially herbal supplements can interact with prescription and over-the-counter
medicines. Telling your healthcare provider what you intend to take can help him or
her check for such problems.
10. Most adults can get all the calcium they need in their diet to prevent osteoporosis.
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Because of the diet they choose, most adults need a calcium supplement to get the
recommended 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium daily.
11. Check with your healthcare provider before taking vitamins or supplements if you
have a chronic or serious health problem.
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In general, it's best to check with your healthcare provider before taking any supplement.
But this is especially true if you have a chronic health problem. For example, if
you are taking an antidepressant, talk with your healthcare provider before taking
the supplement St. John's wort. This is because it may cause dangerous levels of serotonin
in the body.
12. Store supplements out of the reach of children.
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Supplements that contain iron are the most common cause of poisoning deaths among
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