Finding the Best Daycare for Your Child
You may need daycare for your child if both you and your partner work.
It's important to find daycare that fits your child's and your family's needs. You
can hire a sitter to come to your home. Or you can enroll your child in a daycare
center. These centers can be in a commercial space or in another person's home.
Things to think about
Before you make a decision on a daycare center (or another daycare situation), here
are a few things to think about:
Check that the center has a state license. Ask about accreditation.
Research to see if the center has had any violations in the last 5 years.
Check that the staff is certified in CPR and has had a comprehensive criminal background
Look for good staff-to-child ratios and check that the caregivers are certified. A
good ratio might be 1 adult per 3 children under 1 year old. Or it might be 1 adult
per 7 children 3 years old. Or 1 adult per 8 children 4 and 5 years old.
Check that discipline doesn't involve isolation, humiliation, or intimidation. Check
that the center's discipline policies agree with yours.
Look for a specific diaper-changing area with a sink, separated from the rest of the
facility. Watch to see that staff members wash their hands at the right times. This
includes after diaper changes and before snacks or meals.
Ask staff about their policy on cleaning and sanitizing.
Check that the center was planned with children's safety in mind. Outdoor play areas
should be protected with materials that can take impact.
Ask about how staff are taught about new policies and procedures. Is there a written
policy manual? How do they stay current on issues that affect children and families?
Check that the center's food and drink meet your child's dietary needs. Snacks and
naps should be on a schedule. If your child has any food allergies, talk with the
staff members. They should know how to keep your child's snacks separate. This will
keep the snacks free from contamination with foods that could make your child sick.
Ask about policies for special cases. These include when your child is sick or when
you're stuck at work late.
Ask if they have current parent references you can contact.
Sleep safety guidelines
If you have a baby, make sure the center follows guidelines to reduce the risk for
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and sleep-related deaths.
These guidelines include:
Placing your baby on their back during nap time or while sleeping
Using a firm sleep surface
Keeping soft objects and loose bedding out of the crib
Making sure vaccines are up to date
Offering the child a pacifier at nap time
Not letting the child get overheated
Keeping your child away from tobacco smoke, alcohol, and illegal drugs