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Travel Awards

Information on travel awards provided by The University of Rochester Graduate Women In Science (GWIS)

Application deadlines are November 15th and April 15th. You must be a graduate student in years 1 through 5 and an active participant in GWIS. Travel will be sponsored on the basis of scientific merit and need.

Application Process:

  1. Submit a completed Application Form along with a copy of your C.V., and copies of your peer-reviewed publications to Stephanie Scoville
  2. Request that your Ph.D. mentor and one of your Ph.D. advisory committee members each forward a letter of reference to Stephanie Scoville.

A one-page follow-up report from travel awardees is required within one month after travel is completed. This should be submitted to Stephanie Scoville.


Viktoriya Anokhina Receives GWIS Travel and Conference Award

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Viktoriya Anokhina is a 6th year doctoral candidate in Ben Miller's Lab. Viktoriya received a travel and conference award from GWIS to attend the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference in Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides, Newport, RI, USA June 22-- 28, 2019. View Viktoriya's Travel report followup.

Taylor Uccello Receives GWIS Travel and Conference Award

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Taylor Uccello is a 3rd year doctoral candidate in Scott Gerber's lab. Taylor received a travel and conference award from GWIS to attend the American Association of Immunologists Advanced Course in Immunology Boston Massachusetts, July 28th -- August 2nd, 2019. View Taylor's Travel report followup.

Nazish Jeffery Receives GWIS Travel and Conference Award

Monday, July 29, 2019


Nazish Jeffery is a 4th year doctoral candidate in the lab of Dr. Michael Bulger. Nazish received a travel and conference award from GWIS to attend the Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Red Cells in Newport, RI, USA, this month. View Nazish's Travel report followup.