Clinical & Translational Science Institute / Funding / Faculty Exploratory Dissemination and Implementation Pilot Award
Faculty Exploratory Dissemination and Implementation Pilot Award
The Dissemination and Implementation awards focus on the science and practice of effective translation, distribution, and use of evidence-based interventions and policies in real-world settings, often with an explicit focus on addressing health inequities. This includes studies to assess the effect of dissemination/scale up strategies (such as social media, opinion leaders, training, etc.) and implementation and practice change interventions (such as training, feedback, incentives, practice guidelines and workflows, partnership development, champions, etc.), studies to assess barriers and facilitators of dissemination and implementation, or studies to develop evaluation models and processes for D&I of interventions. Learn more about the UR CTSI's DI program.
The principal investigator (PI) on all proposals must be faculty members with a primary appointment at the University of Rochester. If there are MPIs, one of the members of the applying team must have a primary faculty appointment at the University of Rochester. This team member will be the contact PI for the project.
Faculty may participate as PI, MPI, Faculty Sponsor/Primary Mentor on only one submission per award category. Faculty may participate in multiple submissions per category as co-investigator or co-mentor. Any faculty member who has a current grant with overlapping aims is not eligible to apply.
Proposals should include collaboration with health systems, community-based agencies and other entities.
Projects supported by this program must address a translational challenge or barrier and meet the definition of translational science research. Translational Science is the field of investigation focused on understanding the scientific and operational principles underlying each step of the translational research process.
Funding Amount
The TS02 award provides up to $25,000 over one year.
Important Dates
The following dates apply to the current solicitation:
- Initial Letter of Intent (LOI) and Specific Aims due - October 21, 2024 at 5:00 PM
- Notification of full proposal solicitation - December 9, 2024
- Full proposals due - January 27, 2025 at 5:00 PM
- Notifications of Award - March 24, 2025
- Anticipated start date - July 1, 2025
- Award period ends - June 30, 2026
Solicitation and Review Process
Phase 1: Applicants submit a two-page Letter of Intent (LOI) stating their specific aims and summarizing their proposals. The UR CTSI review committee specific to each submission category will evaluate, score, and discuss the LOIs.
Phase 2: A subset of applicants will be invited to submit full proposals. The UR CTSI Review Committee specific to each submission category will engage in a formal study section-style discussion and scoring meeting for proposals. Funding recommendations go to the UR CTSI Executive Team for a final review and decision on funding.
The Pilot Studies Funding Attestation must be submitted with the initial Letter of Intent and full proposal.
Note: All animal and human subject protocols must be approved by NCATS, the NIH institute funding the UR CTSI, prior to the start date. No funds for research project costs may be released until all required human subjects and animal welfare approvals have been received.
Please note that UR CTSI awards and funding are dependent upon the renewal of grants from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Application Selection
Proposals with the best potential for output (e.g. peer-reviewed publication, extramural grant submission) by the end of the funding period, as well as proposals that address community-identified health research priorities will receive the highest priority for funding.
Scholars and Projects
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Vivamus egestas magna nec mauris tristique ultricies. Cras et pretium enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec interdum aliquet ex. Morbi convallis, felis et faucibus placerat, mi nisl feugiat ipsum, et pellentesque magna felis sed erat. Duis sit amet felis nec leo commodo mollis eget ac urna. Curabitur a felis augue. Donec vel consectetur nibh.
Aenean vitae sapien diam. Etiam suscipit dui purus, et varius nibh dapibus ac. Morbi at fermentum dolor. In in efficitur dolor. Aenean vel mi rhoncus, gravida felis sit amet, efficitur libero. Maecenas dolor risus, tincidunt sit amet eros nec, efficitur vestibulum arcu. Proin molestie, arcu porttitor porta imperdiet, ligula metus dapibus odio, nec condimentum quam mauris posuere mi. In rutrum egestas mi vel tempus.
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