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Golisano Children's Hospital / Neonatology / Newborn Nursery at Strong Beginnings Birth Center

Newborn Nursery at Strong Beginnings Birth Center

Your baby will be able to stay with you as much as you wish during your stay. If you want to get some rest or just have some time alone, your baby can be cared for by the nursing staff in the Newborn Nursery adjacent to the Strong Beginnings Birth Center.

Visitation Policy

The baby’s father can visit anytime. All other visitors are welcome between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Please remember that the only children allowed under age 12 are the brothers and sisters of the new baby. To safeguard your baby’s health, we ask that people who are not feeling well check with a doctor or nurse before visiting you. Many common illnesses are more communicable than people realize and, for a newborn, something as minor as a cold can pose a health threat.

Newborn Protection Practices

The safety and security of your newborn are important concerns, which we share with you. While you are in the hospital:

  • If you have any concerns regarding the safety/security of your or your newborn, or know of situations that may jeopardize the safety/security of you or your newborn, speak to the staff immediately.
  • Nursery doors are secured to limit access. Authorized staff are always present when a newborn is in the nursery.
  • A newborn may leave the nursery or mother’s room accompanied by the mother or authorized staff with a special hospital identification badge specific to the obstetrics units.
  • Always know where your baby is going, what is being done, who is taking your newborn and when he/she will be returned to you. You may go with you newborn whenever you wish.
  • Be sure you know the nurse assigned to you and your newborn.
  • Fathers/significant others have 24-hour visitation when unit accommodations can be made. Family and friends may visit in your room between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Children under the age of 12 years may not visit unless they are brothers or sisters of your newborn; they may not stay overnight.
  • Mother and newborn are identified at delivery through a special set of identification bands. The bands must remain on through discharge. They are checked for matching information every time you and your newborn are reunited. If you notice the bands are loose or missing, please tell your nurse.
  • When rooming-in with your newborn, you must be able to respond to and care for your newborn. Your bed is left in a low position and your bed siderails are up as needed. Your nurse call bell is kept within reach—please use it whenever you need assistance. A bulb syringe is always in the crib. A dim light is left on at night when your newborn is in your room.
  • Your newborn must be in someone’s arm or in the crib when in your room—he/she must never left alone on your bed/chair. You must not sleep in bed with your newborn.
  • Your newborn must always be positioned on back or side, never on his or her stomach.
  • Your newborn must never be left alone in your room and must always be kept in mother’s/mother’s designee’s direct line-of-sight and hearing. Mother’s designee cannot be another patient. When this is not possible, return your newborn to the nursery.
  • Newborns should never be carried outside the mother’s room or nursery. They should always be transported in a crib. Do not take your newborn off the unit. As you are going home, the Adam Walsh Center recommends:
    • Avoid the use of outdoor decorations to announce your newborn’s arrival, such as balloons, floral wreaths, wooden storks and other lawn ornaments.
    • Do not allow anyone you don’t know into your home without proper identification. If you did not know about the visit in advance or have any questions, do not allow that person into your home.
    • If you choose to have your newborn’s birth announcement published in the newspaper, it should not include your last name or address.

Baby Pictures

Baby photos, taken daily by a volunteer from Friends of Strong, offer a special memento of your baby’s birth. You may want to bring a special outfit for your baby to wear for his or her first photo.

Going Home

Going home is an exciting time, and there are a few things you will want to remember:

  • Discharge time is 10 a.m.—You’ll want whoever is picking you up to be ready to take you home at that time.
  • Infant car seat—It is New York State law that all babies be taken home from the hospital in a car equipped with an infant car seat. Please plan ahead and have a car seat ready for your discharge.
  • Clothing—You'll want loose-fitting clothing for yourself, since it will probably be several weeks before you are back to your pre-pregnant shape. Remember to have the right clothing for your baby, depending on the weather.

Related Links

Newborn Testing — Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)