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Promote Your Event

We Will Help You Spread the Word

Think about why you are doing this fundraiser. Whatever it is that compelled you to help our children is going to be compelling to potential participants and the news media. Please consider sharing why you're getting involved.

Media Attention for Your Events

If you’d like to receive media attention for your events, here are some general guidelines:

  • With TV news stations:
    • Email news stations a day or two before your fundraising event. Start with something like, “Hello, I have a story idea for you.” Provide the date, time and location of the event. Then detail what the fundraiser is, why it was conceived, who is working on the project and what photo and film opportunities there will be. Last, provide your name and phone number and ask them to call with further questions.
    • On the morning of the event, call the news station and ask if they got the message and if they’re interested in attending.
  • With newspapers:
    • Contact daily newspapers by e-mailing similar content we’ve recommended you use with news stations, except email newspapers about a week or so before the event takes place so they can plan accordingly.
    • Contact weekly newspapers at least 10 days before the event.

Photograph Your Event

  • At your event, put someone in charge of taking photos. Make sure they take photos of small groups of people and that they are close enough to them to recognize their faces. You can later submit these to newspapers.
  • We like to post photos of your group in action on our web site also, so don’t be shy. Email a couple of your best shots to Sandy Strong at, and we’ll see what we can do to cast a bit of the spotlight on your good-doing on our Facebook page and our online calendar.

Additional Support

Our office can:

  • Offer advice and expertise on event planning
  • Provide a letter of support to validate the event's authenticity and its organizers
  • Share media contact information to assist with publicity and event promotion
  • Provide informational brochures or fact sheets about the hospital
  • Contact a physician or nurse to see if they are able to attend your event. All requests must be made at least 45 days in advance of the event date

For more information, please contact Sarah Craig at