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Directions to the Lab and Clinic

The Balance and Eye Movement Laboratory and The Balance Disorders and Dizziness Clinic are located within the University of Rochester Medical Center.

To get directions to the Visitor Parking Garage at Strong Memorial visit Google Maps.

The distance between the Lobby and either the Laboratory or the Clinic is approximately one city block. If you have mobility issues, you can request assistance at the information desk in the Main Lobby. The attendants offer free golf carts and wheelchair transportation to the waiting room.

The Balance and Eye Movement Laboratory

After parking, go to the Lobby on the First Floor. From there, follow the orange ceiling tags that lead to the Orange Elevators. Turn left at the Orange Elevator sign and proceed to the Balance Laboratory waiting room (Room 1-5148). 
If you are waiting more than 15 minutes after your appointment time, please call (585) 275-6395.